Sunday, July 8, 2007

How to Use iPhone with Google's Products - iPhone and Google Calendar in action

Steve Jobs, the Apple CEO, announced a long time ago that iPhone, the next generation handheld device, will be also compatible with Google's products. The long awaited gadget was finally released on June 29 and some of the users are asking themselves how they can sync the device with
Google Calendar. If you're a Google Calendar user then you should know that it's a product powered by the Mountain View company that allows you to organize and track your events. If you're not a fan, now you know.

However, some of the users are looking for help and, since the product was recently released, the Internet is quite useless as no trick is posted yet. The folks from Switched managed to find a way for synchronizing the handheld device with Google Calendar in order to organize your meetings straight from your iPhone and from any location.

First of all, you should log-in into your Google Calendar account, click on Settings and choose the Private Address option. Select the ICAL icon and note the link provided by the function. In your iPhone device, run iCal, open Calendar and click on Subscribe. Write the link provided by Google Calendar in the message window opened on the device.

Please keep in mind that you need an Internet connection to synchronize the device with Google Calendar as the iPhone will try to download the information straight from your account. "The best part is you only need to do this once -- iCal will grab new appointments at your specified intervals and your next sync will be up to date," Switched added.

The iPhone also provides instant access to YouTube, the online video sharing service powered by Google. The announcement was made when an updated version of the Apple TV software was released because it also included support for the popular video product.